How to log off Apglos Survey Wizard

It is important to log off in Apglos Survey Wizard. This will keep your coins safe. As you can see in the pricing page all commands in Apglos Survey Wizard have a value in coins.

The most important thing to log off

When you want to log off it the most important thing is to be logged in. We described in this tutorial how to log in. After logging in you can do all the work you need to do. And then it is time to log off if you want to. Apglos Survey Wizard automatically signs in with the last used credentials on the Android device if the user did not log off when it restarts. This makes it easy to use Apglos Survey Wizard quick.

So how to do it

As mentioned you first have to be in the main part of the land survey app Apglos Survey Wizard. This main part has always a map on it and should look like this.

Mapping screen of Apglos Survey Wizard

On the top side you see the menu bar with six icons. On the menu bar you have to click on the profile icon, that looks like this.

Icon of profile in Apglos Survey Wizard

After a click on this icon a sub menu will appear.

Sub menu of profile including the option to log off

On this sub menu there are three options. For this tutorial you need to click on the option “Log off”.

When you succeed

When you succeed to follow this tutorial compleet, then you will know, because of a new screen appearing. This screen must be familiar because it is the sign in screen.

Apglos Survey Wizard log in screen

If it is not familiar check out this tutorial to sign in.