KQ Geo is a Chinese company. They started in May of 2001. So they exist already a long time.
KQ Geo Technologies, the company
When you check their website then you can see that they are very proud of all their chinese prices they won. But there is more about this company than their prizes. Of course that is often the case when the company has more than 3000 employees.
The company is proud to be chinese. That is why they have lots of different offices and work places within China. In all these offices their focus is on combining the research and development of hardware and software in the field of mapping and surveying.
They focus on their core technologies:
- remote-sensing
- geoinformation
- satellite navigation
Doing this they created during their life time many products. The products are not only hardware but also software.
GNSS receivers of KQ Geo
M8 GNSS receiver
The company developed and manufactured different GNSS receivers. One of those GNSS receivers is the M8.
Unfortunately they don’t mention the specifications on their website. But there we can find they use a Trimble BD970 board in this GNSS receiver. This board supports GPS, GLONASS and BEIDOU. It also has interswappable batteries. But without the specifications we can make a nice list of the main specifications as we did with the GNSS receivers of the other brands like Emlid and Septentrio.
KQ Geo technologies also produces the M8-PRO GNSS receiver.
Also here they don’t show the specifications. So there is no way to be able to compare this GNSS receiver with the GNSS receivers of other brands.
Software of KQ Geo technologies
They developed a line of software packages based on GIS. These are KQGIS Desktop, KQGIS Server and KQGIS Mobile. The goal of this software is to gather, collect and work with GIS data. To be precise this software can work with their GNSS receivers.
Than there are some more software packages that they developed: KQ UAV Integrated Mapping Software, KQ Lidar Data Processing Software and KQ Satellite Data Processing Software. These software packages all do different things.
But none of them is focussed on land surveying. So the best combination to land survey with one of the GNSS receivers of KQ Geo technologies is the combination with Apglos Survey Wizard.